At Home COVID Tests are not accepted for Work related Injuries by DOL/OWCP

As COVID continues to spread throughout the USBP workforce and the community, many federal employees have resorted to at-home COVID tests. This email is being sent to you to make you aware that COVID Home tests are not accepted by Dept. of Labor/OWCP.
If a federal employee tests positive for COVID at home, they should immediately schedule an appointment with an independent medical facility. Clear Choice ER ( is a community partner of the Union and they are available to conduct COVID tests for you and your loved ones.
The test administered by Clear Choice ER and the paperwork involved with the test are sufficient to be accepted by the Dept. of Labor to approve your Office of Worker’s Compensation Program (OWCP) claim. The proper COVID test and the proper paperwork involved, is crucial in making sure you receive Continuation of Pay (COP) for your on duty injury claim.
The Union works closely with the Clear Choice ER staff to ensure they are keeping up to date with all the changes at the Dept. of Labor related to COVID and all work related injuries.

Below is the Dept. of Labor explanation as to why At home COVID test are not accepted:
“In regards to the home test, we do not accept “home tests” that are self-administered as sufficient to establish a diagnosis of COVID-19 under the FECA because there is no way for FECA claims staff to affirmatively establish (1) the date and time the sample was collected and (2) that the sample collected is that of the injured Federal employee making the claim.
The only exception to this policy is where the administration of the self-test is monitored by a medical professional and the results are verified through documentation submitted by such professional.
Therefore, the self-test will either have to be monitored and verified by a medical professional or establish part c) :
c) If no positive laboratory test is available, a COVID-19 diagnosis from a physician together with rationalized medical opinion supporting the diagnosis and an explanation as to why a positive test result is not available.”
Please let us know if you need any assistance in filing a CA-1, getting a COVID test or how to request COP at work.
We would like to thank Clear Choice ER for always prioritizing the care of Border Patrol Agents and Support Personnel!
Thank you for your continued support!