Get to know your NBPC Attorney: Mr. Robert P. Erbe
05/10/2018 - Written by NBPC

Local 2455 Members,
As some of you might now, the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) has a panel of experienced attorneys that exclusively represent Union Members in the U.S. Border Patrol. The NBPC attorneys perform numerous representational functions on a daily basis and are here to protect you.
Attorney Robert P. Erbe has been assigned as Local 2455’s Legal Service Plan (LSP) primary attorney. Mr. Erbe has successfully represented numerous employees from the Laredo Sector in cases involving Disciplinary and Adverse Action Cases. The cases Mr. Erbe has handled in the Laredo Sector include the K9 Policy, Pursuit Policy, Use of Force Policy and CBP Standards of Conduct.
Please see below for Mr. Erbe’s bio:
Attorney Robert P. Erbe

Robert P. Erbe, of the Law Office of Robert P. Erbe, PLLC, has been practicing federal sector labor and employment law for more than 20 years. Currently, he is in private practice primarily representing the National Border Patrol Council which is the exclusive representative of approximately 18,000 Border Patrol Agents and support personnel.
During his 20 years of federal service, Mr. Erbe handled more 100 Merit System Protection Board (MSPB) appeals for the Department of the Air Force, Bureau of Engraving & Printing, Immigration & Naturalization Service, Customs & Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Mr. Erbe is a frequent presenter at national labor and employment law conferences, including Federal Dispute Resolution Training. He is considered an expert on the Douglas Factors and MSPB Practice & Procedure.
In addition, Mr. Erbe writes the Penalty Advisor column for cyberFEDS®. In 2014, Mr. Erbe’s outstanding training presentations were recognized by the Department of Homeland Security as he was awarded the DHS General Counsel’s Excellence in Training Award.
Stay safe,
Hector Garza
Local 2455