LRN PAIC Albert Torres requests memos from BP Agents, but denies them access to review surveillance video involving Use-Of-Force incident!

After a recent Use of Force incident at C-29, LRN BP Agents were ordered by PAIC Albert Torres to submit a memorandum. In this case, the FBI was investigating the Agents’ actions in the use of force incident.
The investigation conducted by the FBI will be used for both Criminal and Administrative matters. The decision to deny agents access to review the surveillance video at C-29 came from PAIC Albert Torres, after BP agents requested to review the video footage in order to properly and accurately document the use of force incident.
Instead of allowing BP agents to review the available footage so they could provide the most accurate details on the memorandum, the agents were ordered to document the incident from memory.
We all know that Memory is a volatile resource. Memory is also tainted by our emotional state, and the most critical incidents Agents experience are fraught with stressful elements.
The Union strongly believes that reviewing available video footage before typing a report or submitting a memorandum represents an opportunity for BP Agents to make their Reports and Memorandums factual, complete, accurate and representative of what actually happened.
Allowing BP Agents access to all of the evidence pertinent to the case and available at the time the report/memorandum is written just makes good sense!!Please be aware that the US Border Patrol Management will not allow agents to review any type of video footage from any cameras when it involves any type of incident.
This applies to video footage coming from static cameras, air support cameras, Scope Trucks, drones, etc.