Local 2455 Union Meeting 2/5/2020

Please join us tomorrow for the February 5, 2020 Membership Meeting that will be held at the L&F Community Room, located at 410 Crossroads Loop in Laredo, Texas. Dinner will be served at 6:30pm and the meeting starts at 7:00pm.
Clear Choice Emergency Room:Clear Choice ER Dr. Robert Flores will be present to discuss preventive measures regarding Corona Virus and others matters related to Health and Safety. Clear Choice ER CEO Robert Castaneda will provide information regarding workers compensation claims for on duty injuries.
Union Legal Defense Fund (LDF) Attorney George Altgelt:LDF Attorney George Altgelt along with Associate Attorney Ms.McAuliffe will be present to discuss on duty critical incidents (Shootings, Use of Force, etc.) requiring LDF Attorney representation. Atty. George Altgelt will introduce Atty. McAuliffe as one of the newest team members on the Altgelt Law Firm. Atty. McAuliffe is a former Assistant United States Attorney that is now on the Altgelt Law Firm representing Border Patrol Agents and Support staff through the Union’s Legal Defense Fund.
Tentative Agenda:1. FLSA Bill Introduced in the U.S. Senate2. VACIS Emergency at C293. Disciplinary Case Update4. Social Media Discipline Case Update5. LRT Sector Parking Plan6. OP Mobility Selections7. Laredo Border Wall (70 Miles)8. Health and Safety Update by Frank Villarreal9. OWCP Benefits for Trainees fired for getting injured at the Academy10. Parental Leave (Legislation signed by President Trump)11. Apprehension in the Laredo Sector12. Clear Choice Presentation13. LDF Attorney George Altgelt and Attorney Mary McAuliffe.
Catering by Carmelo:Laredo North Agent/Union Representative Carmelo Rodriguez and his wife will be providing the catering for the meeting. Mr. Rodriguez and his wife have notified us that they will provide their favorite Puerto Rican Dish (Pernil al Horno con Arroz Mamposteao) to those in attendance. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez for volunteering to host the catering for this event.
Desserts provided by Pizana’s Pastry:As always, thanks to Pizana’s Pastry for providing the delicious dessert to those in attendance.
Please contact Executive Board Member Sergio Buriano at 956.857.7667 and/or Clyde Fellows at 210.823.3265 for additional information.
We hope to see you there!
Stay Safe,
Hector Garza
Local 2455