Increase in COVID-19 cases in Laredo Sector Detainees

Last week, the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Holding Institute that takes family units in Laredo, Texas reported that at least 172 illegal aliens in their facility had tested positive for COVID-19. These are primarily family units we are processing in the Laredo Sector for the Rio Grande Valley Sector. As a result, the Laredo Health Authority issued a mandatory quarantine order for the Holding Institute.
As you are aware, the US Border Patrol does not conduct COVID-19 testing on detainees in our custody. However, SOME detainees are in fact tested by the NGO’s and that is how we are realizing that illegal aliens with COVID-19 positive cases are in fact coming into our custody in the Laredo Sector.
Please keep in mind the Laredo Sector has seen an over 180% increase in the apprehension of illegal aliens, as compared to the same time period last year. The overwhelming majority of these illegal aliens are not tested for COVID-19.
If you believe you have come into contact with an illegal alien that is COVID-19 positive, please ensure you contact a union representative so we can assist you in documenting your COVID-19 exposure. Properly documenting your COVID-19 exposure will ensure your employee rights under the Federal Employee Compensation Act are protected.
Through Feb. 2021, over 7,000 CBP employees reported being infected with COVID-19, and 24 died
Over 20,000 CBP employees were unable to work at some point due to COVID-19-related illness or quarantine
If you have not yet taken advantage of a COVID vaccination opportunity, Local 2455 is available to assist you and your family members with getting set up for a vaccination.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
Unfortunately, we have seen an uptick in employee COVID-19 infections in the Laredo Sector. Please continue to be safe and use PPE as appropriate.
We would like to remind you to continue using PPE to protect yourself and your family members. We encourage you to use PPE when conducting arrests, transporting, processing, or managing detainees.
Please click on the links below for more information on the Holding Institute Mandatory Quarantine order and a recently released report from the US Government Accountability Office: