Biweekly Pay Cap Payments

The Union has been in contact with USBP HQ regarding payments for employees who exceeded the BIWEEKLY PAY CAP at any point last calendar year.

Here’s what was shared with the Union:

  • Each year, Sectors submit employee overtime details to HQ via a SharePoint site. The current processing period covers PP 27 2023 through PP 25 2024.
  • CBP Payroll manually audits each entry before processing payments, meaning some employees may receive their payments weeks before others.
  • HQ has set a February 7, 2025 deadline for Sectors to submit overtime details. Since the process has not yet started, payments could begin a month or two after submission, though some may take longer.
  • Employees must notify their MSS if they did not receive overtime payments in a pay period. A note in the remarks section at the bottom of their NFC leave and earnings statement will indicate the unpaid amount (e.g., “$527 not paid this pay period”). Once reported, MSS will enter the information into SharePoint for processing.
  • HQ will check in late February/early March to monitor Payroll’s progress.

For those who have not yet notified their MSS about exceeding the biweekly pay cap should do so as soon as possible. HQ has also committed to reminding Sectors to check in with teams deployed to natural disasters and other events to ensure everyone is aware of the process. This will now be an annual reminder.

Local 2455 will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as more information becomes available.